- Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal expansion on micron-length scales by thermo-optic phase spectroscopy (TOPS)
- Ionic Peltier effect in Li ion electrolytes
- Electron-phonon coupling and the thermal conductance of interfaces
- Low, high, and switchable thermal conductivity in soft materials
- Phonon-phonon interactions in crystals: everything old is new again
- Bulk and interfacial thermal transport by electrons, phonons, and magnons (in the context of normal-metal/YIG bilayers)
- Current understanding and unsolved problems in thermal transport at the nanoscale
- Measurement of thermal transport coefficients at the nanoscale using ultrafast optical thermometry
- Lower and upper limits to the vibrational thermal conductivity of amorphous polymers and polymer salts
- Plasmonic thermometry and plasmonic probes of ultrafast evaporation and condensation
- Picosecond spin caloritronics
- Surface thermodynamics
- Faculty job search
- Thermal transport at high pressure
- Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect for studies of phonon thermal transport
- Picosecond spin caloritronics
- Secondary pyroelectric and electrocaloric effects in epitaxial PZT layers
- Plasmonic sensing of heat transport and phase change near solid-liquid interfaces
- Failure of Fourier’s law in measurements of thermal conductivity by time-domain thermoreflectance
- Thermal conductivity and elastic constants of PEDOT:PSS
- Coupling of heat and spin currents at the nanoscale in cuprates and metallic multilayers
- Electrochemical control of thermal conductivity of thin films
- Ultrafast heat transfer in nanoscale materials
- Extremes and enhanced functionality of thermal conduction
- Coupling of heat and spin currents in metallic multilayers
- Time-domain thermoreflectance 2.0: Advanced techniques
- Time-domain thermoreflectance 1.0: Fundamentals
- Extremes of heat conduction in molecular materials
- Electronic thermal transport in nanoscale metal layers
- Testing the physics of heat conduction using high pressure: crystals, glasses, and interfaces
- Phonon scattering and thermal conduction in nanostructured semiconductors
- Phonon transport experiment: the past decade
- eXtremes of heat conduction
- Thermal conductance of weak and strong interfaces
- The challenge of water
- The challenge of water: a tutorial on thermodynamics
- Measuring Thermal Transport in Extreme Environments: Thermal Conductivity of Water Ice VII to 20 GPa
- Testing the physics of heat conduction in glasses and crystals using high pressure
- Thermodiffusion of nanoparticles in water and the thermal boundary conditions of solid-iquid interfaces
- Comparison of the 3ω method and time-domain thermoreflectance
- Ultralow thermal conductivity and thermal conductance of interfaces
- Optical phonon lifetimes in graphene and graphite by time-resolved incoherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
- Phonon lifetimes in silicon from 50 GHz to 15 THz
- Measurement of thermal conductivity
- Nanoscale thermal transport during ultrafast melting and crystallization of Ag and Si
- Do embedded nanodots make better thermoelectrics?
- Thermal unobtainiums? The perfect thermal conductor and the perfect thermal insulator
- Ultrafast laser-based metrology for micron-scale measurements of thermal transport, coefficient of thermal expansion, and temperature
- Pushing the boundaries of the thermal conductivity of materials
- Nanoscale thermal transport and the thermal conductance of interfaces
- Ion beam analysis of materials for water purification: Partitioning of inorganic ions in FT30 reverse osmosis membranes
- Thermal conductivity and interface thermal conductance of phase change materials
- Thermal conductance of solid-liquid interfaces